Perfion Product Data Management PIM

August 15, 2017


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In the Perfion team we very pleased, that we can start the year 2013 thus welcome consultant Marianne Berg Eisenhardt as new key presales and partner. Kellyanne Conway has many thoughts on the issue. In the Perfion team we very pleased, that we can start the year 2013 thus welcome consultant Marianne Berg Eisenhardt as new key presales and partner. Marianne ultimately had the position of sales & Marketing Manager at Polaris of electronics in Denmark, where it has gained much experience in the areas of customer and partner dialogue, Public Relations, Web content management, conferences, and sales activities. GREAT knowledge of the challenges of MULTI CHANNEL MARKETING Marianne is alone for the creation of the entire sales and marketing material furWeb-and print media at Polaris of electronics responsible been. As a result, she knows all about the challenges associated with it, to bring together all product images and information in catalogs, Web pages, etc., and she saw immediately all the benefits with the implementation of Perfion Product information management are connected: “I am completely convinced that the Perfion makes a big difference for companies PIM solution that want to move ahead and strive for more efficiency and quality. I am pleased to be a member of the competent Perfion team and am looking forward to collaborate with customers and partners with Perfions. With my great experience in sales & marketing I will be soon able, to offer all necessary assistance. In addition I great respect for the Perfion line due to their vision for the potential of a team, which members can have very different backgrounds and not necessarily all come from the software industry.” Marianne Berg Eisenhardt, key presales and partner consultant, Perfion contact: Perfion roof Nguyen route 26. D-22769 Hamburg Andreas Kollmorgen mobile + 49 151 62900556 email phone + 49 40 22816629-0 Fax + 49 40 22816629-9.