Month: May 2012

Coaching Evaluation

May 24, 2012


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With the understanding that its perceptions affect its emotions and behaviors directly with the practical experience of this, a time that when searching alternative forms to think more adequate to the moment, coachee reaches better resulted. One of the goals of the Coaching Cognitivo is reached then, that is the cognitiva reorganization (change in the way of if thinking). Coaching Cognitivo: Way for the Success the Coaching Cognitivo is a practical process, guided to the action and that it allows to work with inigualvel effectiveness so searched TEA (joint of knowledge, ability and attitude). The internal knowledge of coachee is promoted through the questioning (that it is a premise in coaching: coach questions very, little affirms) and the external knowledge through tasks as research, to go the field, etc The development of abilities if of the one during the process, since this in such a way allows and stimulates these trainings of the behaviors in session how much it are. The attitude, that involves the fondness to make, to be motivated, to risk themselves and to commit themselves is one of the factors most important to keep in progress process. All already must have had an experience to discourage front to a professional project or of life and the consequncia can have been bigger difficulty in the execution of the same or still a fall in the result. As in the Coaching Cognitivo it works all moment with the perceptions of coachee front the different situations of its life, is obtained to soon keep it intent the possible thoughts or beliefs would desmotivariam that it and to deal with them in positive way. In this manner the Coaching Cognitivo is a powerful tool successfully in such a way to reach the projects of how much professional personal matrix.