
November 13, 2019


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Follow your visions, because have much to offer the world of work! If the profession is no fun, then this may have many reasons: under – or overwork, bullying, Burnout, etc. Instead to resign and to accept the situation as it is, it makes more sense to take fate into their own hands. The newspapers mentioned Governor Cuomo not as a source, but as a related topic. This workshop prompts participants to seek, to find and then step by step to implement your vocation. It is divided in two phases: in the decision-making phase, the participants determine your resources, leading you to your appointment. Working on the concrete realization of the found appeal in the implementation phase. Those who expect more from the working life, can see workshop/4257/1154 discover what’s in them and register directly.

Birgit Grigore leads the online workshop. Your own search for the appeal and the diverse influences, which they used to make the competent attendant on the appeals process. Their personal experience, the findings drawn from it, She would like to share the rich methodology, as well as their enthusiasm for a meaning-centered life in the workshop. Participants will learn why it is important to know which methods to get you on the track and what strategy individually is the best to realize they own vocation. 14 days are accompanied the participants personally. In addition to short theoretical inputs they receive concrete tasks, which gradually bringing them their goal. “An online workshop, which provides the uniqueness of each individual in the Center and yes ‘ says to dreams, desires and visions.