Water Supply Pipe

March 27, 2012


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The first things usually start picking pipe water – their price. That is, the value of the material, of which the water supply pipe, installation of additional equipment and materials. All together it will be constitute the water system. What materials are made of water supply pipe? Steel pipes of water supply. Produced is usually of two types: non-galvanized and galvanized (black). Galvanized pipes are mainly for the installation of potable water pipes and hot water.

Galvanized pipes, in contrast to the black coated with zinc, which prevents them from corrosion in an aqueous medium. Industry produces non-galvanized and galvanized pipes random length (non-uniform in length) from 4 to 12 m and a cut length (all pipes of this party a certain length) from 4 to 8 m with an allowance for each cut to 5 mm and a maximum deviation over the whole length + 10 mm. K steel pipes supply the following requirements. Pipe surface must be flat and smooth, with no sag and crack. A small amount of oxide layers, minor dents and risks. In the suture zone may be a gently sloping thickening of the height not exceeding 0.5 mm.

On the surface of galvanized pipes should not be not covered with zinc sites, bubble zinc coating; allowed a small surface roughness, and the influx of zinc. Cast-iron pipes of water supply. Used for outdoor water pipe systems, pressure gravity sewer systems and inland waterways. Advantage – increased durability compared to steel and corrosion resistance.