Villegas Director

January 11, 2013


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A question was born in my head one day: how to generate extra income? And in my quest to find the best answer started to look and I thought: he who seeks finds. Let me tell you as it was my start in this new world. Like many other people, I was looking for opportunities to generate revenue extras to my pockets and being able to be more relaxed at the end of each month. I gave the task of looking at newspapers, magazines, books and internet. Any means of information that give me a guide to achieve my goal, more revenue.

Suddenly, to be surfing the internet I realize there is a myriad of opportunities to generate revenue and addition from the comfort of my home, without heads or schedules with the ability to generate residual income. It was so much different information that was every day that I was confusing, the doubts I harassed and didn’t know which business opportunity might be the best for me. I am another who thoroughly investigate every opportunity and seek the opinion of others with more road Tour than I. The experience of others helped me a lot and follows me and it will continue to help always. I learned, that a business on the Internet is not a hobby, but something seriously and as such required to cover a learning curve, learn new terms and techniques, learn about tools that would facilitate my work, I communicate with people and motivate me constantly. Then I had to train me, learn each day, step by step, little by little, and understand that training is constant. I had to organize me, disciplining me and put me in the head that if I applied this can be my gateway to the quality of life that both wish.

If you have the anxiety of starting a business on the internet let me give you the following tips: 1. investigate the different ways of making money online. There are many ways of doing this (blogs, advertising, digital files, MLM, affiliate programs, etc.), learn more about each of them so that they have a broader choice vision. 2. The way to advertise offline is different from the online. Know and learn how to use the tools to make marketing on the internet (blogs, social networks, payment) per click, marketing with videos, auto replies, mail marketing, etc. 3. Learn something new everyday and apply it. Nothing serves to collect information if you don’t use, Ponte in action. 4 Spend at least 2 hours daily. As every business requires your part time, is constant and time spent in the. 5 Organizes each day. If you’re going to devote two hours a day plan them with activities specific, so you can be more productive. Well, I hope that this information will be useful, but it is important that you put it into practice because you will thus be more interesting.