The Worker Of The 21st Century

September 12, 2019


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The worker of the 21st century will be nonbetter, already is an enthusiastic, loving person of the change, moves by objectives and its main motivation usually is not only the money, but the service, but paradoxicalally they are the unique ones that enjoys the longed for financial freedom. These inconformes personages, highly creative are expanding around the world for a happy and truly prosperous change of articles of incorporation. You will find the best ones them in agile companies, with high standards of exigency and surroundings that the opportunity gives them to learn and to teach. Also they look for a balance between his personal life and its professional life, reason why they value the schedule flexibility, the repayment " not convencional" (increasing, proportional repayment to its effort) and the possibility of working where and when it comes to them in desire, that is to say they do not have head, does not fulfill schedules, works from their own houses, travels, knows new cultures and enjoys than they do. Most important it is than heads do not need. But they need autonomy in the decision making and determine they themselves its form to secure the raised goals, they self-manage, they are its own heads. If them questions, will say to you that the best head is that one than she takes off of in the middle, that one that does not interfere. They will say to you that they do not know what is a head but what he is a leader.

A head commands (and they do not need that they command to them). Whereas a leader inspires, he motivates and he supports. Thus the things, quickly are arising a revolutionary society worker without heads. In a globalised world where the traditional use every day is extinguished and every day, he quirase or no, the system of work in networks expands, interactive or network marketing, intelligent workers are moving more and more to this novel system of work.