The Education Plan

September 27, 2016


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The Plan of Education is a document of reference for the professors, in it consists the objectives and item that will be worked in each it disciplines throughout the course. Each professor adapta in accordance with its necessities, modifying it as changes that appear during the period where is to the front of disciplines. Through this plan, the coordinators have accompaniment and control of the pedagogical planning of the courses, that, after to be approved by the same ones, and not having alteration or update, could be placed to the disposal of the pupils. The analysis of the education plans also exists to make possible something so desired nowadays in the schools: the interdisciplinaridade in the pedagogical planning, allowing to the professors access to the plans of education of its colleagues and the elaboration of these in set. The plan is formed by the following parts: Summary; Objectives; Content Programtico; Methodology; Criteria of Evaluation and Bibliography. An education plan has as objective: Around the objectives of the education plan it is the basic work of the professor, and this has that to establish it of form of that its lesson is clear, pleasant and important to the pupil, leading the subjects in quarrel for are of the walls of the classroom, that is, for the reality of each one. On the basis of the objectives, the professor must list the contents of its program. A minute description of the content of disciplines evidences that the professor possesss perfect notion of the objectives that he intends to reach.

As considered for the text in study, this act to plan it is part of the life of all human being, therefore she is necessary to establish objective goals and of what it is wanted to reach. The plan of education assumes several facetas, but the one that makes the biggest difference is this planning of education, therefore you are welcome it advances to have a good planning of the education in the generality, if education does not go well and if the learning does not happen. A plan alone will be efficient to function itself with comprometimento on the part of the professor, who will have to be always if bringing up to date and perfecting its lessons. He is always necessary that, in the practical professor, if it all has the concern with the improvement of the quality in the education through education and of its good organization during the course, bringing worthy fruits for our education. If planning better, it will be taught better and it will be learned better.