The Berber

March 8, 2014


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Of all forms, often occurs that silver is melted again and reused, so you may end up containing nickel due to the use of old currencies during smelting. Silver metal comes largely from the mines that there are around Tineghir. As in all the arts that are under the rule of Islam, designs are geometric and abstract. Shapes are more angular than in the arabe-andaluz art and evoke edges, points and circles of the Tifinagh, Berber writing. But the tracery or architectural decorations composed of combinations of geometrical figures also reminiscent of Celtic patterns. The Berber representation par excellence is the, which suggests the image of a man with arms on high, and that became the symbol of the nation and language Berbers, the Amazigh. Another very common reason, which can be found in carpets and ceramics, is the triangle, symbol of the store and the family. Most of the designs are made with watermarks placed on a flat base and silver streaky.

Other flanges are made in small v-shaped repeated that evoke the stem of wheat. In summary, you can say that Berber jewelry is another element that exhibits the richness and variety of the Berber crafts. This art is full of symbols that reflect the fertility of local culture. If you want to discover this exciting art and all other types of Moroccan jewelry, welcome to Marrakech, where they will have excellent opportunities to visit numerous boutiques that offer fantastic products of silverware, jewellery and costume jewellery. So do not hesitate to come to this beautiful city, where everything is designed to meet them. Once there, may stay in one of the excellent hotels in Marrakech or, better yet, in one of the typical riads in Marrakech. Also they can be hosted on a magnificent Villa in Marrakech, closer to rural areas, where the landscapes are spectacular and picturesque and where the Berber population will welcome them with open arms. Original author and source of the article.