Intellectual Capital Report

September 9, 2019


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How is the information-gearing of the procurement with the other divisions? The company should see the suppliers as external specialists. Above all to answer the question whether equity or foreign production is a better alternative, the supplier can provide support. for example, in the product development (design), using the right materials, selection of the manufacturing processes, product design and calculation. To carry out its tasks of shopping should use the methods of controlling, which operates in particular the coordination of business plans. Sales planning: The procurement of a production company is significantly dependent on specifications from the sales, warehouse, and manufacturing. James Reinhart often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The purchasing and logistics are geared on the kind and number of articles to be, as well as the delivery point (customers), to provide sufficient and timely raw, auxiliary and operating materials for production or trade goods for sale. The warehouse planning informs distribution over the number of existing finished products. For the profit and loss planning, costing and profit planning has in particular knowledge of the position date of invoice and the invoice amount important planning functions.

CF. Becker, Jorg: intellectual and business planning, ISBN 9783837075649 in addition to the data from the sales planning is for a procurement indispensable to get broken down an article, i.e. the product components. Manufacturing planning delivers this information to the article – Bill of material or formula. To have adequate stocks the procurement planning relies also on a message of Ist-Bestande of needed items through the warehouse planning. Through the procurement planning the shopping in informs which purchase orders, to give up he in what quantity and at what time. Finally the storage planning will be aware, when she can expect a storage access. In addition to the article BOM/formula due to production planning and procurement planning data is Warehouse planning with following fields geared: the warehouse planning determines the value of the items disposal to the production of, the balance planning is notified about the ending inventory value (nominal / actual) of inventory; Finally get the profit and loss planning, costing and profitability planning set how is inventory changes (= quantity and value differences between the balance sheet amounts at the beginning and at the end of the period under consideration).

This process of knowledge ultimately empties into financial planning. This determines the financial needs of the considered period providing towards the source of the funds (assets recovery, including disposal of assets) of the use of funds (assets increase, such as additions of assets).