
May 16, 2020


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In the United States and Europe enjoy the services of freelancers for a long time in the CIS countries, this market segment, too, has recently become a growth spurt. Every day in the area freelance services involved a large number of new entrants not only performers but also the customers. There are new portals freelancers, where each person with a certain set of skills and knowledge can easily find a job can do. Accordingly, the customer is looking at such portals of the Executive to any particular work, based on their requirements and budget. Which areas of freelance services are most in demand? This copywriting (ie writing articles for websites, newspapers, etc.), programming, development and / or promotion and website design, translation services. Of course this is not an exhaustive list. I repeat: to become a freelancer and everyone can.

To do this you need to register at some (and preferably several) site for Freelancers, get acquainted with an order, to perform some work, and if you are satisfied with pay and / or conditions, to take his order for execution. Here are a few sites where a freelancer can find a reservation:,,,,, etc. In general, all-the so-called exchange of freelancing work in the following way: the customer puts the project (task) to tender, and performers, having familiarized with conditions and offers timing and amount for which he undertakes this task to perform. Typically, the work receives the one who has agreed to make faster and / or cheaper than others. However, plays no small role and reputation of a freelancer or a customer. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Western Union by clicking through. It is therefore important (Especially initially) to have your portfolio, that is to publish some of his works on a particular subject to the customer was able to assess your experience and knowledge. The big plus is the presence of its own site.

As in any other sphere of activity of freelancing has its pluses and minuses. By cons include: Unstable employment, spending time looking for customers, discussing with them, working conditions, payment methods, possibly search for partners, if you are unable to complete the project on time alone, and more. This may take some time, usually no one pays. Just one of the drawbacks is the risk of nonpayment. As, actually anywhere on the Internet you can find cheaters who are not averse to save a few coins to pay. Although there are ways to minimize such risks. We now turn to freelancing pluses: The main benefit – is freedom. And not just freedom, but FREEDOM. If you do not know what it is, it makes no sense to you talk about it. It’s like a drug – you never know until you try. Compared with the freedom all other benefits and advantages of freelancing look palely, though, and play employee in any firm. You are not dreaming of a million? Well then, no chance at all!