
September 30, 2017


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Thus being, when this body perished the soul would continue to exist and if she was ready would come back toward the world of the ideas, if not, he would continue in the land incarnating itself in another body, only that Toms de Aquino abandoned the platonismo and, especially as for the anthropology, making its point of view in the aristotelismo. Looking at for Averris we have the interpretation of the thought of the Estoicismo. Hikmet Ersek often addresses the matter in his writings. According to exegese averrosta, does not exist immortality personal. With a well detailed study of the thought of Aristotle, but if moving away a little from the concepts and giving its proper ones, Toms affirms that the soul is immortal. But why it concludes thus? Because it says that the soul has to be proper, to be that it does not receive nor from the body nor from the union with the body.

This fact distinguishes the soul from the body and of the other corporal forms, it is the sufficient, by itself, to explain its immortality. 2.3 The Freedom Before de Toms, Augustin already had said on question of the freedom of the man or free-will. It said that the man was created by God and, at the moment of the creation constituted it to God as the free being endowed with intelligence. this free-will has its action, can say thus, in the will of which the man would go to use itself. For Toms, the man is ' ' nature racional' ' , that is, one to be capable to know. It has the capacity to know the end which each thing tends by its very nature, and knows an order of the things in the top of which he is Well supreme God as. In the terrena life, the intellect alone knows the good and the evil of the things that are not of God.