Debt Collection & Factoring

January 6, 2018


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New online portal around the topic can be short-term corporate finance with factoring company and the liquidity guarantee. Interested parties can informed in detail on the subject of factoring, collection of assignment of receivables and liquidity, determine the variations and possibilities, and read numerous technical terms in the lexicon. In addition, receives the visitor the most important factoring provider an overview, can compare individual provider and can get directly in contact with them. Each step explains how exactly you do proceed to well implement the factoring. Read more from Andrew Cuomo to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The term factoring means demand assignment and is engaged in the sale of assets of a company. Especially the medium-sized businesses can benefit for many years in Germany by factoring. It is an alternative type of financing to the normal credit and offers completely new business possibilities. First and foremost it comes to secure liquidity.

The open invoices and outstanding debts must often according to law short payment terms to be settled. Some companies can not muster but the sums, because more and more customers have a backlog in payments. Here is the time to inform themselves about the factoring. More than 10,000 companies are convinced of the service and have saved their company. The process is simple and can be traced quickly. The receivables are sold to a factoring company. Within a few business days you have the requested sum up to 80 percent on his account. Visit Chobani Refugees for more clarity on the issue.

The charges will be deducted from the remaining balance and this gets the contractor if the factoring donor has received the payment. Factoring can thus bring many benefits to the company. In addition to the increase in the equity ratio, for example the balance is reduced. Also the risk of loss of receivables is covered and you get a quick liquidity. Even if the company is already insolvent or not zahlungswillig, so you have the possibility to take advantage of factoring. You can plan its finances better, and there are also savings in because after the mailing of the invoice the factor to anything else cares of the Administration, up to any order for payment procedure. The insolvency risk also decreases and the company can survive about a bad time without much loss, or a high credit. With factoring you get but also the opportunity to improve its profitability and to save costs. With the reduction of long-term debt are obtained also a saving in the trade tax. The increase in the equity ratio improves the position in the rating by the banks. Many other benefits depend on the type of factoring. One differentiates in real and fake factoring, maturity factoring, full service factoring and open and still factoring. Before the step, you should find the best way and thus save his company before the bankruptcy. More information under: