
July 24, 2017


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How it is possible, then, to believe a model that privileges the economies richest and generates social exclusion in the underdeveloped eonomias? Perhaps the reply it is in the proper dynamics of the capitalism, has seen that with the increase of the competitiveness between the transnational ones one becomes necessary to conquer new markets. Of this form, the countries of the third world appear as potentially promising areas to facilitate the increase of the accumulation of capital and of the profitability, seno is observed what it says GMEZ (2001: 146). The call globalization of the economy in the last few decades mentions the new form to it generated for the process of accumulation about two billion people educational, the global integration increased the wage inaqualities still more. Ahead of these questions, claraente is perceived qua the globalization nothing more represents of what the exploration of the countries central offices to the peripheral countries, whose bigger objective consists of increasing the productivity and the profits of the cpitalistas companies, from an integrated global market. Through the elites economic politics and, the State now acts under the orientation of the great international corporations opposing the interests of its prrios citizens.

Sight of this form, ' ' the globalization kills the solidarity notion, returns to the man to the primitive ondio of each one for itself e, as if we came back to be animal of the forest, almost reduces the slight knowledge of public and particular morality to nada.' ' (SAINTS: 2004:65). To lock up ese item, agrees to remember that, ' ' during the first years immediate Real the average incomes of tabalho had reached the platform of 624,00por R$ domicile, declining for R$ 558,00 in 2002 ' ' (IPEA: 2005:98), already in full government Squid. This demonstrates that the ten orders of the Consensus deWashington continue to be applied in Brazil, that is, Squid does not obtain to become free itself of the neoliberalismo that as much criticized.