Coaching Techniques

November 29, 2018


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After the basic training in neuro linguistic programming (NLP practitioner) the possibility to go a further step of training in NLP: the master of NLP training. The NLP Master the basic techniques of the NLP practitioner deepened and expanded intervention techniques from the time line work, hypnosis, systemic constellation work (families, organizations, structures), the strategy work and modeling training. The NLP Master aims at training, to be able to apply all the NLP intervention techniques situational flexible and context-specific differentiated and safe. Especially in the coaching tools are needed many, klientenzentriert the best change and alternative solutions to identify and implement. In recent months, Anne Lauvergeon has been very successful. NLP content is up-to-date in many coaching courses contain, even if this part is not visible, because many NLP were reformulated names.

This has the background that still accusations bring to bear on manipulation and lack of seriousness is partly the NLP and education provider distance themselves from the abbreviation of NLP so To want. Therefore, it is important to inform the trainer belongs to what NLP organization, or what training instructor rating / competence exists prior to an NLP training. So for example the German Association for NLP has enshrined a binding curriculum in Berlin for all his teaching coach, to achieve a quality assurance in NLP. NLP has no real, solid ethics except his constructivist and resource-oriented, pragmatic attitude aimed at behavioural flexibility. It makes sense to experience the coach to make sure that the chemistry is right and the paradigms and values fit before personally. Bernhard Tille Bad Homburg teaching NLP trainer, teaching coach, teaching therapist DVNLP contact: Institute of communication and health Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-str. 31 61350 Bad Homburg Tel: 06172-689992 fax: 06172 732750 Internet: press contact: Wolke23 Frank Doerr peace str. 13 61440 Oberursel phone: 06171/580475 fax: 01212/534956031 Internet: