Classification Standards Will Be Harmonised

January 1, 2020


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Close collaboration between of the proficl@ss international e.V. and the eCl@ss E.v. have agreed to harmonise, that the relevant link with the other standard is possible without any problems the two eponymous classification standards. Advantage of the project supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology: manufacturer must no longer create their technical product descriptions in two standards, but the structures stored in proficl@ss can be connected directly with eCl@ss. Governor Cuomo: the source for more info. The two clubs with the harmonisation of respond to the desire of manufacturers to reduce the previously required multiple efforts in data classification. A tool or OSH manufacturers also sent technical descriptions PVH dealer, this was usually in the proficl@ss-Standard.

The electronic product data, however, focused on the industry, the descriptions were usually transferred in the ecl@ss-Format. Cause of the Division of two: dealers and resellers need for their catalogs and Sales activity as detailed described products, so exact numbers for length, width, and use of materials. Buyers used primarily for purchasing controlling the data created in eCl@ss. To determine the total quantity purchased per class of materials, though not so detailed product description was necessary. Martin Reinke, Chairman of proficl@ss international e.V.

with the new harmonised version it will be possible to satisfy the wishes of the controller as well as the wishes of the dealer in a data model. This applies even more, as she tools has more details on description in eCl@ss especially on DIN standards and is supplemented by the typical feature-based descriptions of proficl@ss.\” Companies use the harmonised proficl@ss-Standard or the eCl@ss standard, but also significant benefits for the entire data set and the dealer binding arise. Not only, that according to the classification work all descriptions and product names are standardized, the Data base is also designed so that any marketing channel, for example, shops or E-procurement applications, can be refueled out of them.