
October 19, 2019


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There is a dramatic increase in prices and sales volumes of hydrocarbons. Governor Cuomo is a great source of information. There are also billions of loans that receive at banks around the world our raw materials companies, the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises make their first, tentative steps. Yet it is precisely this market segment could be very promising both for banks and for borrowers to changes in market conditions for the non-renewable natural resources. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Allison Kanders. On the possibility of such a (rezkogo!) changes from year to year, says the government at its plenary sessions: “Here, they say, now, any day!” And then what will remain in the country? “Small” and “medium” business For every thing in bank lending to small and medium-sized businesses – the transparency of small companies. The “whiter” reporting company, the lower the risks for banks and the more readily they lend to those who lead a “civilized” business. As in the conduct of “civilized” business these days the entrepreneur negotiates with the tax and other “funds and fondikami” – This is a great mystery there.

But the banks to give loans, we need full transparency of the business. Most banks offer several types of credit products for small and medium-sized businesses: they are all characterized by typical loan amount, timing consideration, collateral (which may be optional) and ways to assess bank risk (Scoring system or the individual approach). If the bank is not specifically involved in lending to small and medium-sized businesses in the bank’s portfolio of loans to small businesses are usually about 17%. Decision loan should be completed within three to four days.