Business Fort

April 18, 2020


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“Fort Silverrain” is a modern fairy tale that leaves room to dream. Author Reni Dammrich describes a world between hard business and fantastic, full desires and wishes. Two men who struggle with different goals to move one and the same woman to stay. To read more click here: Western Union. Not against each other, but with each other. Doing nothing is also as a love triangle. Who has the better arguments to convince the beautiful? And how rearranged (n) his life, if man is heard, if man is actually inveterate Bachelor? The unusual novel in a banal story about originated what might happen in the year 2118 in a city: A fully automatic controlled life that decreases many decisions to the people.

Only the author has not expected love the incalculable factor, which repeatedly moved the proofreaders to the question: tell me, what happened that night in the bar? Totally unnerved them was finally small and grew on the history. And there lurked again questions: what is it now? Follow Kendra this Saladin in his Palace or not? “Fort Silverrain”, the title of the book, in which Kendra and Saladin exceed the threshold, which leads to the readers. But what does matter now Rashid, the Advisor of Saladin? What secrets does the Fort in the middle of the desert, will know the reader only if he will pitch the book, to accompany the main characters in their different ways, the may one day be merge. Click Hikmet Ersek to learn more. Answers to these questions is now available in printed form by the Engelsdorfer Publishing House. As a German, it was a particular cause for rejoicing, that just a publishing company from Saxony their favorite story has accepted, made ready in record time, and with a wonderful cover for Reni Dammrich.