Runet And E-commerce Internet

March 9, 2015


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Today the Internet are more than thousands of online stores that offer a variety of products, from cell phones to sneakers, from a bottle of milk to the leather sofa. Small shops selling mobile phones, fashion boutiques, shops selling refrigeration equipment, etc. etc. Today, the undisputed leaders remain on site sale of cellular phones and small household appliances. But the number of sites for the sale of more grave goods also increases, which indicates the increasing confidence of Internet users online store.

However there is still a large number of sites are the real "flea market" with uncomfortable catalogs, complete lack of design. Most often, the owners of these "enterprises" refer to methods of promoting its black sites, so it is likely to meet them in "visible" area of the issuance of search engines. Of course, you say, in Russia is too low budgets, the Internet companies. In our country the lowest cost of online advertising. It is true there is such a statistic, but most often it is a matter of taste and smart approach to business. For example, consider one of the "no promoted "segments of Internet commerce – needlework.

In Yandex preliminary forecast the number of impressions on demand "for embroidery kits" of 5402 (compare, for example, asking "plastic box" – 113 718). Unlikely to create websites for sale Embroidery kits are allocated huge budgets. Thus a cursory examination of several of them found out that it was not clumsy, "creation" self-taught, it is well-built sites with user-friendly navigation, the original design and all the necessary attributes to advance in the search engines. One of the brightest representatives of this "small" Internet business is the site of the brand Panna. The main advantage of This site – a convenient multi-level catalog and search for products by any of its characteristics. Even the most inexperienced internet user can easily orient and find all they need. It is also indisputable advantage for the site is a literate and original content. By creating an online store, the authors have focused on the information sets for embroidery, designer of the developers of the component materials. The visitor often want to know that he buys, and online at Panna is taken into account. For absolutely all the online stores is one more important issue: the availability of goods on sale. If a visitor does not find the desired item in stock, it just goes to seek it elsewhere. AND it is likely that he will not return to your website. This problem is solved on the site Panna with brilliant simplicity: a user leaves your e-mail and, when embroidery on the market, he receives a letter from notice. Convenience and ease of handling, information, and concern for the visitors – these are the principles on which the site was created sets for embroidery Panna. Is such a project requires a lot of money investments? Hopefully, the future of Internet business is similar to sites that respect and value our customers and do not seek any means to snatch a piece of the profits.