
March 26, 2013


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(1) Coaching works if there is commitment of the personnel involved and the company who adopts him; but it will be provechado and it will yield fruit if participants are able to innovate will reinvent itself, ultimately getting to really know, which it does not stop being authentic, instead power it is. Coaching should allow individuals, executives or managers, to find its factor of elasticity or flexibility, which enables them to adapt to changes in the environment that affect the Organization, its position and its potentialities, so, people of yesterday or today must not be the same in in the following years, because its capabilities have been enhanced. All successful or in pursuit of success, people may resort to a coach (in fact all need you), but are precisely this type of people who are able to better leverage this training process, because success is not sustainable if it ceases to be. The people with positive attitude always demand more, know they must be more effective and not afraid to accept help achieve it. As an athlete trains endlessly, they focus on raising their competitiveness against increasingly demanding positions.

Leading people, who are more interested in participating in courses and seminars, have the impetus to learn and know to continue growing as persons and as executives. They are those who take the best advantage of the experience of having a coach who helps them to focus on their skills and strategic strengths as well as weaknesses and areas for improvement. On the other hand, professionals and executives after their training process, are able to enhance the capabilities of its partners and the company. A very important detail, is what happens when executives learn from see their capabilities and compare them with each other, taking into account its natural sphere of development and how much of the comparative is possible to copy it to develop it and encourage it to be more effective.