Ontological Coaching

November 7, 2012


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Who are not connected: Those that by the form of " Observar" , and that like culture also inherited of its predecessors (parents, professors, country etc) they were educated from children in the shortage, with beliefs obstacles, or also because of some experience breaks or (death of a loved being, separation of parents etc.), which interrupted natural flowing of its emotions and thoughts in the direction of the confidence, its own satisfaction and benefit that is the direction of its dreams. What paper plays the Ontological Coaching: The Ontologa is science (and philosophy) that becomes position of the Human being, its Being in the Actions and their language. It deepens on the Phenomenon of the Observer. And the Coaching is the discipline and practical dynamics (between Coach and Coachee) that helps to develop other forms possible To observe and To do. That the Coach does: It collaborates with the consulting person (coachee) to see and to reflect his limits, on the type of observer who is and like he is that he observes and he interprets the world of that form, the causes caused that it and that continue sustaining those forms to make, to review their emotional world and to find the forms to restore and to expand that flow natural of connection with itself that is with its BEING, who develops his Self-confidence and therefore he finds HIS VOCATION, that is to say ITS FORM TO MAKE to fulfill HIS DREAMS and to cause that ITS LIFE has an IMPORTANT SENSE. Lic. Daniel Elfenbaum Director of the Consultant Wings. Original author and source of the article.