
November 12, 2017


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Everytime I think of the multilevel comes to mind a cartoon that I saw when I was child where a character rises to the top of a snowy mountain and throws a coin that is rolling and is forming a snowball that becomes increasingly more large and unstoppable. If we take this example to the reality we see that the same thing happens, a person joins GTC, applies strategies that gave him his sponsor and quickly begins to create this ball of snow, which is becoming a network of people working as a team with time and daily work, and with more success. But everything starts with a person that I think a tendency, I think that a move to then join to the other persons. The leaders meet that role starting that job and slowly people see the results and join to achieve financial freedom. But a good leader takes the courage to begin to create this great wave, must have many galls to be alone and many times to ridicule. But its purpose is very simple, what generates in others, is very easy to follow and that is the key, it is almost intuitive. And when done well things are obtained fruits, this leader joined his first prospectus now there are two affiliates, duplication occurs and now chances are doubled.

Now, the second affiliate is proof that this leader doing the right thing. And they continue to apply strategies and suddenly affiliated to other people and they are expanding their networks in other countries. People who are watching what happens with them they realize that there are increasingly more affiliates in different places and that they continue prospecting, increasing more strategies and sharing experiences. And this is what I like the multilevel, when starting always has the experience and the help of the sponsor, never works alone, and as more affiliates entering the network, more fast occurs duplication while more people are one, is no longer more risk. If you were previously in doubt now not There is reason why not join and begin work on computer and in this way is as a movement or a snowball is generated. But none of this would be possible without the first person this is how a leader thinks. We work as a team and all win or not win anyone. Not new entrants are lost a guaranteed success and achieve financial freedom. And as always I say when I think of the multilevel: if I can’t reach my goals in this business do not arrive it anywhere else because it’s very simple, only need to take action and begin applying what others have already done to achieve it.