Great Colombia

November 28, 2012


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Jose of San Martin, entered Peru in 1821, and removed from the coast and the capital to the Spaniards. He was the first president of Peru, second was the Sea. And in 1824 Simon Bolivar arrived To what? to do what he had done with the Great Colombia. he divided to the Great Colombia in two countries: Colombia and Venezuela. And it wanted to sell to English the Panama, to bring new people and armaments to fight in Peru. To fight what? Batalla de Junn and Ayacucho, where to the residues from the army and the Spanish military removed; that instead of to be in the coast they put to the mountain range, and there they locked up to defend that territory. Liberator of five countries, Which are those five countries? It divided them! Because it came to the Peru, and first which it did was: the captainship of Quito divided, it, and not knowing that to put to him, it put Ecuador to him by the one of the equatorial line; and when Sucre came to Peru, it freed the Peru Stop, and it put Bolivar to him, and our native ones did not say Bolivar but Bolivia. And there they are the five countries.

And that has freed? Five countries? Or mopped to two countries? To Colombia in two, and Peru in three. Chvez does not know nor where it is stopped. But we leave Chvez because it makes sick to speak to me of him, because that gentleman does not know nor whom is. I speak of my earth and of my mother country, because she hurts to me, I am already old man, have been union, I was myself of my earth, I returned earth thinking that she went to find a evolution, and was no evolution, I found just like all the life. After 11 years earth returns, but already it was tired to only live abroad, and it is left me in my mother country.