Domestic Economy

August 13, 2012


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But the use of a market economy, would take in extending its benefits to all the Earth corners. The concept is obvious applicable to our dear Argentina. Our own experience and the realised studies, suggest to us by long periods, an important strip of population was outside the reach of the benefits of the market economy. In many cases the benefits would even arrive partially and will be necessary to go to other methodologies for the subsistence. This situation of deficiency, could be solved gradually, if the return of a concept were promoted that seemed filed almost in the corner of the memories: I talk about the Domestic Economy. Perhaps this concept, little says to them to the minors of forty years; and mainly to those of that strip etaria that live in the great cities.

Nevertheless, there were a time in which in the homes, and especially, but the humble ones; poultries grew up; inlays and conserves became; the clothes were woven and made, horneaba the bread, and thus in similar form, the families almost autoabastecan themselves. Soon the industrial society arrived (in fact in the majority of the Argentine localities only it arrived fragmentarily and almost caricaturescamente). It supposed: that almost all the economically active population; it would have a stable use in the commerce, the services or the industry. Another assumption was that the remunerations that were perceived by those uses reached to maintain with honor the respective families. In an important measurement, this was fulfilled during decades, for an immense majority of the Argentine urban homes.

That way subsisted in the rural areas to solve the problems to " casero" " , and never got to have fixed uses for all. But these groups, that never left of to be numerous, they were considered marginal. The thickness of the population went away adapting to you rule of consumption of the industrial society (some called " American way of life"), and &quot was left; culture of the caretaker.