Direct Sale

January 14, 2020


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The model of direct sale is that one where your you direct to you directly to a buyer in customized form. This today allows it to you to make the Internet since you can arrive anywhere in the world at many people and with very little effort. It sent of email and your page available in the network, can cause thousands of daily sales. My objective is acortarte the curve of learning for evitarte expenses of useless time and money and that you end up leaving it everything. I want explicarte briefly of that east model of direct sale consists.

When we spoke of " Modelo" we talked about a form to make certain things. (Source: Thredup). In this case the Model of Direct Sale that I try to teach to you, is the model that gives positive results. See Governor Cuomo for more details and insights. As you know, many people begin every year creating companies or businesses that succumb in a 80% before the 5 years. And from rest 20% 80% do not arrive at the 10 years. It is by that I was decided to transmit this model to help many to obtain it and to avoid all along and money that I had to use to give with the exact knowledge.

After a dismissal and with the desperation to generate money, I was 6 months learning everything on Internet, learning to do pages, registering to me in multilevels, spending much money in adwords promoting products affiliates with no successful result. I learned to those month end that had to instruct with the best mentors and courses to me, would cost what it cost to me, because was really spending good fortunes and nontapeworm results. Memory perfectly the first months in which I sent my first campaigns in adwords to sell products affiliates and to construct my list of subscribers, the amount of money that daily cost that publicity to me and the few that ended up buying.