Cochrane Database Syst

January 13, 2018


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The rail in consultation with the patient and the sleep physician dental position anomalies occur, discontinue. Usually a rail leave ranges if necessary in combination with functional exercises from 2 from 3 months and the dental side effects are decreased. A comprehensive, elaborate prosthetic or orthodontic rehabilitation should be avoided. To reduce the occurrence of side effects, it is recommended to chew hard gum to the functional demands of the teeth on the day. Dental side effects are clinically observed, is the rail in consultation with the patient and the sleep physician to depose. Skeletal Changes that were caused by the wear of the rail, are not yet known; Pain in the region of the tmjs and Masticatory muscles were often described in the Mono block apparatus with two rail systems, which allow a limited three dimensional movement of the mandible, they occur very rarely.

Patient participation because of a mechanical treatment with a resource is an important parameter for the effectiveness of the resistance of the application in the bedroom. The willingness to use a Protrusionsschiene permanently in his sleep, decreases with time. After a year of this approximately 60-80% is, after more than five years, even 30-60% of patients regularly wear the splint (25: 37). The cooperation of the patient depends on the device used, the number of the parodontal healthy teeth in the upper jaw and lower jaw, and the body-mass-index (37). Conclusion the application of Unterkieferprotrusionsschienen represent a not-CPAP therapy for obstructive sleep apnea. Gain insight and clarity with Goop. With the application, improves the respiratory parameters of obstructive sleep apnea, the subjective daily output increased and reduced the irritating snoring sound.