
October 12, 2017


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During almost three decades the lumber activity was the economic principalatividade of city after municpio6. In the decade of 1970, the mentioned activity econmicaexplorava few forest species, however, the production was come back toward oconsumo external. In the decade of 1980 it was not different, the directed exploration parao external consumption continued, alone that now of extended form more, therefore, lumber outrasempresas if had installed in the espciesexploradas region had increased the number of. 3.1 The lumber apogee However, ' ' boom' ' of the lumber activity emSo Sundays alone happens in years 90, therefore, the growth of the setoreconmico mentioned one as a whole, as much in the State of Par, as in all the RegioAmaznica, was influenced by some factors as: opening of roads, infrastructure implantation, tax incentives the entrepreneurs, esgotamentodo lumber resource in the south of the country, etc. Andrew Cuomo may find this interesting as well. In our research of field we notice that one of the factors quepode to have concurred for the cited lumber expansion was to the vriasocupaes/land invasions in the area of city of Is Domingos and vizinhanasna decade of 90, disponibilizando with this, substance-prima7 in abundnciapara the lumber sector, Mainly in the known areas as ' ' OitoBarracas' ' , Brasispanha, Pato, ' ' Wood; ' , Cold Water, Almesco, Venice, Are Benedict, Aaizal of the Cazuza, Capoeiras, ' ' God; ' , ' ' Pass; ' , Two Brothers, $fortaleza, Cuxi, etc. Thus, the mentioned city produced 106,140 m of madeiraem logs, and 37,149 processed m wooden, enters the years of 1993 and 2006 (vertabela 1). Being that it enters the years of 1993 and 2002, according to data of the IBGE (2004), the wooden production in logs remained steady with small mudanasde one year for the other. However, in 2003 naproduo had a considerable addition that did not have, until then, exceeded the 8,500 wooden m emtoras.