New Constitutional Order

June 17, 2012


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The new constitutional order: the city and mayor Riberti de Almeida Felisbino Doctor in Social Sciences for the Federal University of Are Carlos. He was professor and researcher of the Foundation University of the Tocantins and currently is researcher associated with the So Paulo State University, Araraquara-SP campus. Electronic address:. Summary: The text argues the city and head of the local executive, the mayor, under gide of the Lege Majore (Federal Constitution) promulgated in 05 of October of 1988, inaugurating what the social scientists had called new Republic. The organization and the functioning of the municipal governments try the bloom of the public spirit, the vocation for the life politics (It hisses, 1995, P. 30).

The mayor is not a mere employee, but the elect representative for the local population to manage the municipal businesses (Mountain range, 1997, P. 28). The Brazilian cities, since 1824 up to 1988, had passed for a readjustment process politics, administrative and economic of its institutions. The current position of the cities is well diverse of that they had occupied in the previous arrangements constitutional. Compared with the one of the period of 1946 the 1964, the municipal autonomy in the current democratic system passed to be exerted of right and in fact in the local administrations. Before the promulgation of the Federal Constitution of 1988, Brazil was constituted of the union of the States, the Federal District and the territories. The cities were not qualified as members of the Federacy. The Great Letter of 1988 represented a landmark in the decentralization process politics in Brazil, when recognizing the cities as beings of the Federacy and when attributing to them bigger abilities. In the first article of the current Federal Constitution the desire of the constituent with regard to the formation of the Brazilian nation can be observed: ' ' The Federative Republic of Brazil, formed for the indissolvable union of the States and cities and the Federal District, consists in Democratic State of Right (…) ' ' (Federal Constitution, 1988, art.