Modern Warehouse Price

April 1, 2011


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Note that in our time at the warehouses are not only used batch-, radio terminals and data collection. And, despite the fact that the radio terminals are now very great possibilities, batch-terminals are also not left in the past because of its low price. In addition, their more profitable for small stores, where there is no need for high speed data transfer. In practice, the price gap is narrowing – radio terminals are increasingly being used in warehouses, where managers have a desire to introduce a system of bar-coding, and not remain aloof. If we talk about progress, then, of course, the apex of achievement in the field of automation of trade and warehouse, as well as automatic identification are RFID-tags.

They absorbed all the benefits and advantages of bar-coding (in particular, the accuracy and speed) and introduced the ability to automatically identify a large number of moving objects rather large in comparison with the technology of bar coding distance. And in this case does not even matter that rfid tags have a direct view of the reader. True, and RFID-tags have their drawbacks, their application is limited by relatively high price and lack of uniform international standards that would regulate this advanced modern technology. The cost of rfid tags on orders differ from the price of bar-code equipment (scanners, bar code, etc.). In the case when it comes to special tags to work in difficult conditions (eg, near metal or liquids) or at high speeds, the price of even more increases. Apply RFID-tags to the same, you can in limited circumstances: when the need to work with goods of high value, so that the application of this label would be financially justified. But even in large warehouses These tags always pay off. After product released not only the pallets, but also boxes. In the latter case it is necessary to identify each package separately and then each item separately, that will agree, very, very expensive.