Month: March 2019

Te Miente

March 24, 2019


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I mean nor irrational fears as these phobias require other types of care. Rather I am referring to all those lies that unconsciously we say to ourselves and think about what It can happen if we take action in fact, look at my definition of fear in the form of acrostic: fear: lies internal scenesters too obvious did you like this phrase? send it to someone in an I – Card free of charge here: the fear Te Miente I-Card this may surprise you, but while our ability to deal with our fears can sound like a psychological problem, in the majority of cases is not it. I think that the problem is more than educational nature you can accept fear as a fact of life or a barrier to success. Let me explain: we, unconsciously use mechanisms of defenses that protect us from situations that we can perceive as scary or painful. For more information see Western Union. A part of us may want to grow and change, but other party resists because the change takes us to a new territory in our thoughts and emotions that we do not know the unknown makes us fear and this fear, if it is not understood, can lead us to inaction. If ever you feel anxiety, full of frustrations and without motivation, then pay attention, because it is very possible that your defense mechanisms are working. These feelings are signs of fear who want to keep in your safety zone. Rather than flee and resist fear, you need to understand it, accept its existence, and to act in spite of the. Do you want to break the spell and face your fears? I imagined that you would say yes then follow the next 4 steps. Before I tell you that people in my seminars and Coaching sessions have taken control of their lives following what today I’ll show.

Patricia Romer

March 20, 2019


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In this and other cases, the message that we are sending you to the brain is contradictory: I want to cure + this life I don’t like. The result will be, in the majority of cases, the disease will be chronic even though the person in the example to which we refer, really wants to be cured. Course that at any moment it’s substitute for a professional medicine or the help of a drug, but it’s go to the emotional root of the problem or disease so that treatments more effective, even at times do not lack. The power of thought if a negative belief can make us sick why a positive belief not can make us heal? Can why not you reactivate the natural body defenses so that they work perfectly? The power of thought is enormous, the scientists attest to this daily. In the past 20 years neuroscientists have confirmed the existence of neurons mirror, which are neurons capable of feeling what a person who is front and which are responsible for that we can feel guess what happens to someone else. We are able to feel fear recalling something terrible that happened we do imagine that you were able to sort your body to heal by sending him a picture, a signal that all is well and that the emotional and physical problem has been completed? Because you’re not. Western Union shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In a Theta state our consciousness has the ability to manifest itself through the imagination, visualization, sensations and actions. It is a highly creative, ideal State to find new solutions to old problems, but to awaken forget the put message that Theta waves come into operation when we are asleep, however with this technique you will be able to enter into Theta State, being aware at all times.

Just be aware of the guidelines that determine our life and wanting to actually change them. Obviously, if later in our day we keep recreating the same situations that created those beliefs, despite being aware now, will return, and often intensified, disguised or altered. A session of ThetHealing ThetHealing therapist talks to the person who comes to your inquiry to determine things that want to improve in your life. The negative beliefs that are preventing you getting what you want are detected and search for others that may be more useful to his purposes. The programs that have been inserted on your hard disk and you are controlling your life to eliminate them are located.

Intuitive scanners are made to locate what energy imbalance prevents a body to be healthy. There are people who have strong links with the past, ties, ties, votes that are a hard burden for his soul and that materialize in barriers and impediments in their daily lives. The intuitive skills of a therapist ThetHealing (or thetahealer) allow you to detect all these aspects that are important for a person back to your balance using a muscle test. Entering in a Theta State, a thetahealer can transmit a person information that happiness emanates from oneself, of how to live today and the now, be aware of who you are, what you have and what you want to from there begin to take the steps necessary to evolve towards where you want to go. It is a formula for retrieving your personal power, take control of your life, the being who really want to be and stop cede that power to others. Patricia Romer is a journalist and expert on Energy Psychology like EFT, ThetHealing and coaching techniques.

The Article

March 18, 2019


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Once done, proceed to analyze the actual habits and assess whether they interest us to achieve what we want. It is important to be very honest with oneself to not take us to deception. A decisive question is that the analysis is objective. Western Union is likely to agree. To check what habits do not us they serve, we proceed to decide which would be useful for us. It’s putting them in writing also, this way we are making it clear which is our intention. In this writing recommend inexcusably specify concrete actions that we perform on the day and duration that will have every one of them. To express it in a paper we make an agreement with ourselves, that we are committing to follow a direction.

We will complete that document shaping our signature on it, as a confirmation of the Covenant. From that moment, is the most important step, and how it could be otherwise is meet him! He is said to be required 21 days to acquire a habit, and may be true. What is not usually say is how to be able to perform an action (which until now costs us much) during these 3 weeks. Usually only give the option to strive to achieve it. I also propose the use of the technique that I use in my personal Coaching sessions, and that is none other than EFT. Note: (If you don’t know the technique, I invite you to download the basic recipe of it, along with a free minicourse on my website for free:) So I designed a Protocol we use precisely to free us from the habit unwanted and acquire that is useful to us. (It will be completed in part 3 of the article) Original author and source of the article.

The Human

March 18, 2019


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The coach emphasizes empowerment, strengths, and accomplishments. The work of the coach implies a continued development. Consultant is the expert in the consultative relationship: experto-cliente. The consultant focuses on that and tells you how to do it. The objectives are identified by the expert or consultant…

The consultant provides the strategies and the knowledge of the expert. The consultant provides solutions and sells its product. Continues a recovery approach with emphasis on deficits and problems arising from the breach of a standard compendium of conduct. The consultancy is casual and is based on needs. Similarities between a coach and a therapist.

According to Zeus and Skiffington (2000), the coaching roots are to be found in psychology, specifically in psychological theory, and often in psychological practices. Likewise they maintain, that coaching brimming with notions of humanistic psychology; which is based and is of the human values of auto development and the self-understanding. Tutoring involves the review and clarification of the needs and values of the individual, and the development of goals that lead in turn to personal and professional development. Existential issues, among which are the identification of the purpose and the meaning of life, the alleviation of suffering and the ability of the individual to enjoy a joyful life are essential in the coaching process (p. 10). Although coaching is not therapy, many coach trained in psychology adopts therapeutic models, which include: the solution focused therapy, transactional analysis, neurolinguistic programming, constructivist therapy, psychodynamic, among others. Four of the similarities between a coach and a therapist below in their professional practices. Both recognize the primary role of the confidence and behaviour in the relationship. Both recognize that all customers have a potential of personal growth and self-discovery. Both stress the importance of the choice and responsibility of the client regarding the change. Both focus on the empowerment of strengths and the skills and resources of the client.

The Wheel Of Life

March 17, 2019


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Although nobody will realize very well that it is very true that, at the moment of birth, all receive a mysterious gift whose origin we know little and less still about what will be the use that we will give you throughout our lives. It’s an invisible bicycle whose presumed intangibility does not discredit the vital role that us is delivered, but if leads us to ask unfailingly one of truth always generous Kings at some point in our childhood. The esoteric and mysterious bicycle in question has as a function which, permanently mounted on it, walk the maximum possible routing on the long road of our life. Always considering that to receive it, is in perfect state of use, but that with its use or misuse normally we deterioraremos it gradually (some more than others, given that not will be cared for with equal interest by everyone). As well, of all, the piece that most will undergo our careless will be rear wheel whose roundness and concentricity initial is he become, that we despistemos us, in the faithful image of more pimp eight, hindering our progress and slowing travel passionate you of life. One of the most powerful tools that we usually use who are professionally dedicated to Coaching is the wheel of life, because it allows our interlocutor (Coachee) discover your state of balance/imbalance vital and therefore where more and better should focus their efforts to achieve the much-desired harmony existential.

How it works?. So easy: considered a wheel with so many axles as Areas of life they like to contemplate (usually six to eight) and dividing these radii into ten segments each to be able to assess them (from 0 to 10) according to our satisfaction level current in each of these Areas of life. Joining the resulting points will get the figure of our wheel of life, which both will be more harmonious farther away from the round shape of a circle. Most importantly perhaps the result obtained is that you part of the assessment that each person makes of herself and we all know that, for each one, there is no more authoritative than the own voice. What remains after this is good easy and difficult at the same time: identify those activities (goals, actions, habits, tasks, etc.) concrete that we will undertake to return to round out our wheel of life and so continue walking the long and exciting life path that we have reserved our always expected and desired future greetings of Antonio j. Alonso author original and source of the article with greater fluidity and dynamism


March 15, 2019


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From coaching started from a fundamental principle of the ontology of language that says: we don’t know how things are. Only we know how we observe them or how the interpretamosVivimos in interpretive worlds. We can only intervene in those worlds that we can observe. (* 1) This principle leads us to a different interpretation of truth that we believe (or thought) only. Note that based on this concept, we can see the world not as it is, but as could be according to our particular way of looking at it. How many times in life we look at a given situation and think so and there is no other way to see it? Humberto Maturana in his scientific works, proved that human beings do not have biological mechanisms that allow us to have perceptions of how things really are. If we adopt these principles in our daily work, think that they can impact our lives in many ways, for example: leave you wanting to have reason at all and thus leave you fighting with each other. If we fight, we can find in a coexistence in peace.

If we fight, if we want to defend our certainties at all costs in discussions and fights what happens? We are left alone. We transform ourselves into coexistence with people with whom we interact, respecting the different points of view, accepting and recognizing the other as legitimate other without wanting to convince him that we have the only reason and truth. We open our mind predisposing us to listen to what others have to say from his particular way of being, expanding our gaze towards the search for effective agreements that help us to achieve results working together and in a team. We can interpret any situation in different ways by what, to open the range of different possibilities, we can choose the one that suits us and predispose us to do what is needed to have the results we want in our lives.

Greeks Learning

March 12, 2019


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Breeding managed to take air to emerge with much difficulty and returned to sag. But the mother does not flinch, continued its contemplation with tranquility. Breeding repeated several times the exercise with evident progress. Shortly after he found a way of promoting with their hind legs and managed to reach the surface. He was repeating it over and over again with progressive skill and more puffs. This metaphor is a true lesson in the interior of the coaching game. The mother knew exactly to where I had to intervene to get a valid learning. Children also learn as well, although sometimes we don’t realize.

And also the largest. Although, parents, teachers, coaches do always act as the mother hippo? Metanoia’s learning and performance: beyond the current perspective see the word more precise to describe what happens in learning and current performance is metanoia. A word that He has had very little diffusion in the past century. It means change of approach, see more beyond the current perspective, involves a mental traffic. Capturing this meaning is to grasp the deeper meaning of the interior of the coaching game. The word metanoia has a rich history.

For the Greeks, it meant a mental shift, a fundamental change. In the early Christian tradition, was the key term of the primitive Christians such as Juan Bautista. He had a specific sense of awakening intuition and knowledge of the highest. In everyday use, learn to be synonymous with past purchase information or skills. In contrast real learning and the interior of the coaching game come to the bottom of what it means to be human. Through them we are trained to do something, we perceive the world and our relationship with him, we extend our capacity to create, to be part of the generative process of nature. Learning for survival is not enough for our inside of the coaching game.

Catherine Behan

March 12, 2019


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* Everything was going well in our relationship until he began to stay more with his friends. Finally everything is spoiling because it is savagery of me. * I loved our relationship but she changed, she ceased to be the girl that I met. At the end the relationship became unbearable because of him. Why is it so common to blame the other for a sentimental break? This topic is something very common and men frustrated that tell the same story of their relationship past friends, companions to anyone who wants them to listen to over and over again.

Most of them are still today without a partner, frustrated and bitterly reliving that relationship which both renege. how you’ll have a new and exciting relationship only if you focus on the bitterness of the past? Does it still do not know that you attract what in what you so? What is happening is summarized in a single word: Autosabotaje. As says Catherine Behan in many of its articles about coaching for couples, to the throughout his ten years of profession has encountered women beautiful, without a partner with a common thread: a part of them keeps walls and barriers to its around making it follow single. They are our internal saboteurs.My query also have passed through some of these people, men and women welcome, cults, with their perfectly structured lives but who feel alone, that they are incapable of meeting people, having friends with friction, have a stable partner and their gestures, their words, their stories always say the same thing: there is something wrong in my course that there is something wrong: those barriers, these walls of protection which unconsciously surround their hearts. Those muras some times are the face of fears, other times of shame, other times of low self-esteem and the many victims of his past, live and relive the sentimental story that marked them and which are not able to leave, even if they deny it (the subconscious is a real Houdini to hide our true feelings, even to ourselves) the internal conflicts of any kind produced casualties vibracionesSi questions les do there’s a part of you that wants to follow Sun @? They quickly answered no, but let’s.


March 11, 2019


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The evaluation system ends up become organizations where enhance described negative aspects, in a dysfunctional practice that collides with the objective primary improve the overall performance of the organizations, to crystallize in one of the main mechanisms that evaluators in accordance with their own game variables. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO MINIMIZE THE NEGATIVE EVALUATIONS OF IMPACT? Then, exploration and reflection so far made, about the benefits and problems associated with the prevailing modern pos organizations performance evaluation system, seeks to the overall development of a listing – certainly not exhaustive – with proposals that can cushion the undesirable effects of its implementation. For practical purposes, the suggestions on effective evaluation programmes for the most renowned literature are not listed. With intention to provide less discussed ideas, other edges and perspectives, are tested without being this decision a sample of non-recognition towards the usefulness and quality of the proposals already established in the literature more illustrious. Recognize the three dimensions of any assessment: diagnosis, training and synthesis one of the cornerstones of any assessment is its diagnostic character.

I.e. that it pursues expose the existence or not of a performance desired for each position and the presence or not of a potential development of the individual, for sizing the platform on which are to be build skills, career and plans, ultimately, that the organization can thus have the resources necessary to achieve the objectives sought. The second central aspect of any assessment is formative character. This aspect associated with the detection of the evolution of performance but also to ensure correct offsets, building a gradual and constant interaction between the supervisor and his subordinate, in a sort of coaching, guiding and accompanied the construction of a better exercise of the functions inherent in the post. The last expected feature of an assessment is that he synthesized, it pursues the inverse and integration of the entire journey journey through official, from its initial state diagnosis, their learning and improvement to the valuation and total estimate of their current performance.

Eichborn Verlag

March 11, 2019


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At the most recent tender for the European satellite programme garnered about an OHB-system AG”in Bremen from a company that previously no one knew. The trend: plan the choice of the appropriate employer such as a clever move. 5. colored instead of red thread not every new job allows, the famous red thread”in the curriculum vitae to keep. Often greater changes are needed, for example a change in industry. “This is quite normal and the red thread” is less of a succession of similar activities as rather in logical steps.

The trend: Better leave how the CV developed anyway, hardly anything is predictable. 6 mix and combined jobs of the Institute for labor market research white: The number of part-time jobs is growing since 2009. In the public service, for small companies in the culture or clubs/associations, there are often only jobs for 20 hours. You can be most ideal combined with professional activities for which there is also a growing market. According to the Federal Ministry for Economy grew by 2009 the number of part-time start-ups to 4.7 per cent. The trend: Two or more jobs are often not only necessary, but often also a good solution. 7.

the own thing make in times of crisis always significantly increases the number of start-ups. But surprisingly many new companies also survive because there is always more demand for special topics. Whether moving service for dogs or coaching for plain speaking much is possible. 16 per cent, the number of foundations Foundation grant funded according to the Federal Agency for work has risen 2009 this year the increase is probably even more. The trend: Self-employment is a hot topic after the absolute doldrums two years later again in 2008. “The most recently published work of the author is: the career makers book: success in the job world of the future.