Month: December 2018

Schonfelder DogCoaching

December 17, 2018


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The tips of the top dog school your mobile dog trainer: so your dog feels probably salt and ice in winter especially in the cities, there is the problem of ice and salt on sidewalks and roads. May be salt still as practical to eliminate the risk of slipping, for dog paws it is poison. Western Union gathered all the information. Prevention: A greasy, the water repellent cream in your hands massage before going to dog-walking. Go for a walk as the not sprinkled throughout. Take rather a few minutes of time, to get in nature, that is not contaminated with road salt.

Result of walking on salted surfaces is a brittle, cracked skin on the ball of the toe, corresponding itching, inflammation and a related anxiety of your dog’s. Unfortunately it can be but often do not prevent the dog-walking speed”to start already at the doorstep. Therefore the Paws of the dog should with lukewarm water after walking are thoroughly washed and subsequently rubbed with a greasy cream (about deer tallow ointment). If you have no way to be able to run with your dog not diversified channels the purchase of dog shoes is”definitely considering. Often there are also injuries injuries by iterating on question floors. Cuts can occur even with frozen snow and ice. Please keep in mind that also dogs into seemingly frozen ponds and water courses can break. Prevention: never ice rinks frozen to run on the dog.

Many eat snow dogs tend to eat snow in the winter. An unpleasant result can be particularly inflammation of the pharynx, where the tonsils are the preferred area of disease. The dog chokes most tenacious mucus in this case and is also trying to vomit. Prevention: immediately stop the snow eating! Instead of to not stick or ball, please have snowballs throw. After the walk after spending time outdoors, you should be sure to examine the paw and salt residue free. Especially between the claws can also insert grit and significant pain prepare the dog. Basically, you should just bathing your dog, if it is really necessary. Often it is enough to wipe the dog with a damp cloth. Keep in mind Please, that dog shampoos also attack the fatty layer of the skin and your dog loses its natural protection against the cold. Visit a dog hairdresser should be only in the spring back on the schedule. “Take” your dog otherwise his natural winter jacket “. Should it still unavoidable, you think about an artificial replacement jacket”(see above) after. The coach of the top dog school wish you and your dog lots of fun and health! Your team from Schonfelder DogCoaching the mobile dog trainer Tel.: + 49 (0) 40 64 68 98 12 Tel.: + 49 (0) 17 22 71 66 97